Monday, May 28, 2012

jQuery Tutorial: Integrating with Flickr's JSON API

This will be another article on jQuery. Here, we'll be mainly focusing on how jQuery eases the usage of the Ajax API for JSON.

You may also refer to the first jQuery article "jQuery Tutorial: Ajax Processing - GET and POST".

The sample code for this article can be found here.

Application Demo:
The application displays images from that are tagged by the input provided by the user.

Home page:

Displaying the Result:

Project Structure:  
 |-- pom.xml  
 `-- src  
   `-- main  
     |-- resources  
     `-- webapp  
       |-- img  
       |  `-- ajax-loader.gif  
       |-- index.jsp  
       |-- jquery.js  
       `-- WEB-INF  
         `-- web.xml  

Step 1: Creating a the Web Project.

 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""  
   <name> Maven Webapp</name>  

Step 2: Verifying the Flickr Endpoint

Click on the following link, this will generate a JSON output from

Step 3: Defining the JSP

   <title>Flicker Image Library</title>  
   <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>  
   <script type="text/javascript">  
     // jQuery document ready
     $(function() {  

       // when hit Enter on the text field  
       $('#tagField').keypress( function(evnt) {  
             var code = (evnt.keyCode ? evnt.keyCode : e.which);  
           // code to trap 'Enter' key  
           if( code == 13 ) {  

       // when clicked on search button  
       $('#exploreBtn').click(function() {  

     function getFlickrImages() {  
      var data = 'tags=' + $('#tagField').val().trim() + '&tagmode=any&format=json&jsoncallback=?';  

     // sending a AJAX call to the flickr and expect JSON as return type  
        type: 'GET',  
        url: '',  
        data: data,  
        dataType: 'json',  
        error: function(xhr, status, error) {  
             alert(status + '--> ' + error);  
        success: function(data) {  
             $('#resultDiv').html('<center><table id="imageTable" style="border: 1px solid black; text-align:center"><tr></tr></table></center>');  
             $.each(data.items, function(index, item) {  
              // show FIVE images per row  
              if( index%5 == 0 ) {  
                   $('#imageTable tr:last').after('<tr></tr>')  
              //$('#imageTable tr:last').append('<td><img src=' + + '></td>');    
              $('#imageTable tr:last').append('<td>' + item.description + '</td>');                           
 <h1 style="color: blue">Flicker Image Library</h1>  
 <div style="border: 1px solid blue" id="tagDiv">  
   <table style="color: blue">  
     <tr valign="middle">  
       <td><b>Tag Name</b></td>  
        <td><input type="text" id="tagField"/></td>  
       <td><button id="exploreBtn">Explore</button></td>  
       <td><img src="img/ajax-loader.gif" id="loadImg" style="display: none"/></td>  
 <div id="contentDiv" style="border: 1px solid blue; color: blue"></div>  
 <div id="resultDiv"></div>  

The above Ajax call gives you more control over how you need to make the Ajax call. Conversely, you could also try the following:

var data = 'tags=' + $('#tagField').val().trim() + '&tagmode=any&format=json&jsoncallback=?';  

      function(result) {  
        $('#resultDiv').html('<center><table id="imageTable" style="border: 1px solid black; text-align:center"><tr></tr></table></center>');  
        $.each(result.items, function(index, item) {  
         // show FIVE images per row  
         if( index%5 == 0 ) {  
             $('#imageTable tr:last').after('<tr></tr>')  
         //$('#imageTable tr:last').append('<td><img src=' + + '></td>');    
         $('#imageTable tr:last').append('<td>' + item.description + '</td>');                           
Step 4: Building and Deploying the Application

$ mvn clean install
$ mvn jetty:run

mvn:jetty:run - would run the web app on the jetty server.

Now, you can access the application with the following URL.

This article looked at how jQuery can be used to easily manipulate Javascript and simplify the usage of Ajax API for JSON.

The sample code for this article can be found here.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

jQuery Tutorial: Ajax Processing - GET and POST

This article will be on jQuery. jQuery simplifies the manipulation of DOM elements. Here, we'll be mainly focusing on how jQuery eases the usage of the Ajax API.

The sample code can be found here.

Application Demo:
The application is to add and display weather information about cities.

Home page:

Select City:

Display Selected City:

Adding a New City:

Submitting the New:

Project Structure:  
 |-- pom.xml  
 `-- src  
   `-- main  
     |-- java  
     |  `-- org  
     |    `-- fazlan  
     |      `-- jquery  
     |        `-- app  
     |          |-- domain  
     |          |  `--  
     |          `-- service  
     |            `--  
     |-- resources  
     `-- webapp  
       |-- img  
       |  `-- ajax-loader.gif  
       |-- index.jsp  
       |-- jquery.js  
       |-- jsp  
       |  |-- add_weather_ajaxprocessor.jsp  
       |  `-- list_weather_ajaxprocessor.jsp  
       `-- WEB-INF  
         `-- web.xml  

Step 1: Creating a the Web Project.

 mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.fazlan -DartifactId=org.fazlan.spring.mvc -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false  

Step 2: Updating the Maven Dependencies (pom.xml)

 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""  
   <name> Maven Webapp</name>  

Step 3: Defining the Java Backend Logic
 public class Weather {  
   private String code;  
   private String city;  
   private String description;  
   private int temperature;  
   private int humidity;  
   public Weather(String code, String city, String description, int temperature, int humidity) {  
     this.code = code; = city;  
     this.description = description;  
     this.temperature = temperature;  
     this.humidity = humidity;  
   public String getCode() {  
     return code;  
   public String getCity() {  
     return city;  
   public String getDescription() {  
     return description;  
   public int getTemperature() {  
     return temperature;  
   public int getHumidity() {  
     return humidity;  
   public String toString() {  
     return "Weather{" +  
         "code='" + code + '\'' +  
         ", city='" + city + '\'' +  
         ", description='" + description + '\'' +  
         ", temperature=" + temperature +  
         ", humidity=" + humidity +  
 import java.util.HashMap;  
 import java.util.Map;  
 public class WeatherService {  
   private static final Map<String, Weather> weather_map = new HashMap<String, Weather>();  
   static {  
     weather_map.put("SYD", new Weather("SYD", "Sydney", "Sunny", 22, 50));  
     weather_map.put("MEL", new Weather("MEL", "Melbourne", "Cloudy", 14, 45));  
     weather_map.put("QLD", new Weather("QLD", "Queensland", "Hot and Humid", 26, 65));  
     weather_map.put("PER", new Weather("PER", "Perth", "Sunny", 28, 55));  
     weather_map.put("ADL", new Weather("ADL", "Adelaide", "Mild", 18, 45));  
     weather_map.put("DWN", new Weather("DWN", "Darwin", "Sunny", 24, 45));  
     weather_map.put("TAS", new Weather("TAS", "Tasmania", "Cold", 12, 35));  
   public Weather get(String code) {  
     return weather_map.get(code);  
   public void add(Weather weather) {  
     weather_map.put(weather.getCode(), weather);  

Step 4: Defining the JSPs for Processing Requests
These JSP pages will act as Controllers, and invoke the backend business logic classes to process the requests.

list_weather_ajaxprocessor.jsp - This handles the requests for retrieving information related to the selected city from the dropdown.

 <%@ page import="" %>  
 <%@ page import="" %>  
   // create an instance of the service  
   WeatherService weatherService = new WeatherService();  
   Weather weatherResult = null;  
   // get the selected city code from the request  
   String cityCode = request.getParameter("cityCode");  
   System.out.println("City Code: " + cityCode);  
   if (cityCode != null && !"".equals(cityCode)) {  
     // get the corresponding weather details for the requested citycode  
     weatherResult = weatherService.get(cityCode);  
     // delay to show the progress image in the UI using Ajax/jQuery  
     try {  
     } catch (Exception e) {  
   } else {  
 <!-- put the result into a HTML table and return that-->  
 <table width="500px">  
     <td width="40%"><b>City</b></td>  
     <td style="color: blue;"><%= weatherResult.getCity() %>  
     <td width="40%"><b>Description</b></td>  
     <td style="color: blue;"><%= weatherResult.getDescription() %>  
     <td width="40%"><b>Temperature</b></td>  
     <td style="color: blue;"><%= weatherResult.getTemperature() %>  
     <td width="40%"><b>Humidity</b></td>  
     <td style="color: blue;"><%= weatherResult.getHumidity()%>  

add_weather_ajaxprocessor.jsp - This handles the requests for submitting information related to the new city.
 <%@ page import="" %>  
 <%@ page import="" %>  
   WeatherService weatherService = new WeatherService();  
   // get the form parameters  
   String code = request.getParameter("code");  
   String city = request.getParameter("city");  
   String description = request.getParameter("description");  
   int temperature = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("temperature"));  
   int humidity = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("humidity"));  
   // create a new Weather object and populate with the form values  
   Weather weather = new Weather(code, city, description, temperature, humidity);  
   // delay to show the progress image in the UI using Ajax/jQuery  
   try {  
   } catch (Exception e) {  
   // add the new Weather information  
   // return the new city code to be added to the dropdown list  
   out.println("<option value=" + weather.getCode() + "> " + weather.getCity() + "</option>");  

Step 5: Defining the Actual JSP View
   <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>  
   <script type="text/javascript">  
     // jQuery document ready  
     $(function() {  
       /* jQuery event handling for city dropdown list */  
       $('#citySelect').change(function() {  
         var cityCd = $(this).val();  
             cityCode: cityCd  
           function(data) {  
       /* jQuery event handling for adding a new city entry */  
       $('#addbtn').click(function() {  
       /* jQuery event handling for submitting the new entry */  
       $('#newEntryForm').submit(function() {  
           function(data) {  
         /*DO NOT REFRESH page after submit*/  
         return false;  
     /** function to clear the form */  
     function clearForm(form) {  
       $(":input", form).each(function() {  
         var type = this.type;  
         var tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();  
         if (type == 'text') {  
           this.value = "";  
 <h1>Weather in Australia and Around the Globe</h1>  
 <div id="formDiv" style="border: 1px solid blue">  
     <tr valign="middle">  
       <td><b>Select City</b></td>  
           <select name="citySelect" id="citySelect">  
             <option value="">--- Select ---</option>  
             <option value="ADL">Adelaide</option>  
             <option value="DWN">Darwin</option>  
             <option value="MEL">Melbourne</option>  
             <option value="PER">Perth</option>  
             <option value="QLD">Queensland</option>  
             <option value="SYD">Sydney</option>  
             <option value="TAS">Tasmania</option>  
       <td><img src="img/ajax-loader.gif" style="display:none;" id="loadImg"/></td>  
       <td colspan="3">  
         <button id="addbtn" type="submit">Add New</button>  
 <div id="newEntryDiv" style="display: none; border: 1px solid blue">  
   <form id="newEntryForm">  
     <table width="500 px">  
         <td width="40%"><b>Code</b></td>  
         <td><input type="text" name="code"></td>  
         <td width="40%"><b>City</b></td>  
         <td><input type="text" name="city"></td>  
         <td width="40%"><b>Description</b></td>  
         <td><input type="text" name="description"></td>  
         <td width="40%"><b>Temperature</b></td>  
         <td><input type="text" name="temperature"></td>  
         <td width="40%"><b>Humidity</b></td>  
         <td><input type="text" name="humidity"></td>  
         <td><input type="submit"></td>  
         <td><img src="img/ajax-loader.gif" style="display:none;" id="saveImg"/></td>  
 <div id="contentDiv" style="border: 1px solid blue">Weather information will appear here.</div>  

Step 6: Building and Deploying the Application

$ mvn clean install
$ mvn jetty:run

mvn:jetty:run - would run the web app on the jetty server.

Now, you can access the application with the following URL.

This article looked at how jQuery can be used to easily manipulate Javascript and simplify the usage of Ajax API.

The sample code can be found here.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Spring MVC 3: Part 2 - Form Processing

This will is a TWO part series article that looks at Spring MVC 3. To better understand the usage of the framework + to keep the tutorial short and keep the reader interested, I have split this into TWO parts.

Part 1: Listing and Viewing Person Details (Retrieve)
Part 2: Form Processing ( Create, Update and Delete)

The example used for both the articles will be same, and will be concentrating on CRUD operations. The example will be a People Management Application.

The sample code for BOTH these articles are here.

Part 2: Form Processing (Create, Update and Delete)

Application Demo:

Listing All People Details.

Edit Details of a Person

Project Structure: Following is the project structure used in the article (Maven wed application).

Java package structure

Web app structure

Step 1: Creating the Web Project.

Refer to Part 1.

Step 2: Maven Dependencies (pom.xml)

Refer to Part 1.

Step 3: Defining the Spring MVC Model, and Updated Backend Logic. - represent the M in MVC(Refer Part 1).

 package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.model;  
 public class Person {  
   //model properties
   private Long id;  
   . . .

   // model constructors  
   public Person(long id, String firstName, String lastName) {  
   . . .

   // getter/setter and rest of the methods
   . . .  
 } and PersonManager - the updated backend service implementation.

 package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.manager;  

 import java.util.List;  

 public interface IManager<T> {  
   List<T> getAll();  
   T get(Long id);  
   void save(T t);  
   void update(T t);  
   void delete(T t);  

  package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.manager; 
  import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.model.Person;   
  import java.util.ArrayList;   
  import java.util.HashMap;   
  import java.util.List;   
  import java.util.Map;  
  public class PersonManager implements IManager&lt;Person&gt;{   
   private final Map&lt;Long, Person&gt; PERSON_MAP = new HashMap&lt;Long, Person&gt;();   
   private static Long INDEX = 1L;   
    PERSON_MAP.put(INDEX, new Person(INDEX, "First Name", "Second Name"));   
   public List&lt;Person&gt; getAll() {   
    return new ArrayList&lt;Person&gt;(PERSON_MAP.values());   
   public Person get(Long id) {   
    return PERSON_MAP.get(id);   

   &lt;!-- Newly Added CUD Operation --&gt;
   public void save(Person person) {   
   public void update(Person person) {   
    PERSON_MAP.put(person.getId(), person);   
   public void delete(Person person) {   

Step 4: Updated Spring MVC Controller.
A controller receives web requests, performs business logic, and populates the model ( for the view to present.

 package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.controllers;
 import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.manager.IManager;  
 import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.model.Person;  
 import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.validators.PersonValidator;  
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  
 import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.StringTrimmerEditor;  
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;  
 import org.springframework.ui.Model;  
 import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;  
 import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder;  
 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;  

 import java.util.List;  

 public class PersonForm {  
   private IManager<Person> manager;
   private PersonValidator validator;
   public List<Person> getAll() {  
     return manager.getAll();  

   public Person get(@RequestParam(value = "id", required = true) Long personId) {  
     return manager.get(id);  

   public void initBind(WebDataBinder binder) {  
     binder.setRequiredFields("firstName", "lastName");  
     binder.registerCustomEditor(String.class, new StringTrimmerEditor(false));  

   @RequestMapping(value="/add", method = RequestMethod.GET)  
   public Person setup(@RequestParam(value = "id", required = false) Long personId) {  
     Person p;  
     if (personId == null) {  
       p = new Person();  
     } else {  
       p = manager.get(personId);  
     return p;  

   @RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "create", method = RequestMethod.POST)  
   public String save(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {  

     validator.validate(person, result);  

     if (result.hasErrors()) {  
       return "add";  
     } else {;  
       return "redirect:list.html";  

   @RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "update", method = RequestMethod.POST)  
   public String update(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {  

     validator.validate(person, result);  

     if (result.hasErrors()) {  
       return "add";  
     } else {  
       return "redirect:list.html";  

   @RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "delete", method = RequestMethod.POST)  
   public String delete(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {  
     return "redirect:list.html";  

The above class defined the controller to handle the requests for managing a Person. For now, let's look at the following elements,

Form Backing Object
This is used to pre-populate the data in the form. Lets look at the following code snippet to better understand form backing object.

@RequestMapping(value="/add", method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public Person setup(@RequestParam(value = "id", required = false) Long personId) {  
  Person p;  
  if (personId == null) {  
    p = new Person();  
  } else {  
    p = manager.get(personId);  
  return p;  

When the controller receives a HTTP.GET request, the setup() gets invoked and populates the form with a Person JavaBean based on the personId parameter. When the personId is available, then it's a request for either update or delete operation, and hence an existing Person JavaBean object is returned. If the personId parameter is empty, then the request is for create new operation, and hence a new Person JavaBean object is returned.

Saving, Updating and Deleting
These operations are pretty much alike. They receive data (Person JavaBean argument) from the form and process the backend logic.

   @RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "create", method = RequestMethod.POST)  
   public String save(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {  
      . . .

   @RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "update", method = RequestMethod.POST)  
   public String update(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {  
      . . .

   @RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "delete", method = RequestMethod.POST)  
   public String delete(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {  
     . . .  

The params attribute in each of the above method signatures refer to a parameter passed by the HTML form into the controller.

 . . .  
 <form:form method="post" commandName="person" action="add.html" cssClass="box-form-a">  
    . . .  
    <button type="submit" name="create"><spring:message code="navigation.add"/></button>  
    . . .  
    <button type="submit" name="update"><spring:message code="navigation.edit"/></button>  
    <button type="submit" name="delete"  
            onclick="return confirm('Are you sure to delete ${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}?')">  
   . . .  
 . . .  

Here, they are names of the buttons in the HTML form., and when one of those buttons clicked, the corresponding method will be invoked.

Returning Logical Views

Please note that some of the methods return a String value. When a String is returned from a method annotated with @RequestMapping, it represents a logical view name. Here, we are telling Spring exactly which page to display next.

As an example,  the create() and update() methods takes the user back to /jsp/add.jsp if any validation errors found. If the input is valid, then /jsp/list.jsp page is displayed.

The redirect: prefix triggers an HTTP redirect to the browser. This is required when delegating the response to another controller, rather than just rendering the view.

In this example, when valid data has been submitted from the form, it takes the user to the people list page. Redirection ensures that the getAll() method is called on the PersonForm class, and the necessary data is added to the model.

The Person object returned by setUp() is not the same object as the one passed into the create(), update() or delete() methods. Thus, only data from the form (which doesn't include all of the properties in our backing object) will be bound to the Person objects in these methods. 

However, more often than not, what we really need is to access the original object (one populated in the setup() method) plus any changes made to data on the form.

The type level @SessionAttributes annotation does just this by specifying the objects, by name or by type, to be kept in session between requests. The setComplete() method on the SessionStatus class, marks session processing as complete, and allows the session attributes to be cleaned up.

Step 5: Defining the Spring MVC Form Validation
This section will cover some of the annotations used in the controller for processing data.

Is used to bind the data between the HTML form and the controller.
 public void initBind(WebDataBinder binder) {   
  binder.setRequiredFields("firstName", "lastName");   
  binder.registerCustomEditor(String.class, new StringTrimmerEditor(false));   

setDisallowedFields() - registers fields that are not allowed for binding. This example makes sure that the user does not make potentially unauthorized changes(e.i: Inspect Element from the browser)

setRequiredFields()      - lists the form fields that are mandatory. An error will be raised if any values for items in the list are missing.

Custom Validation
The following is how you can introduce your own custom validation logic into the controllers. Then, from the controller, you can invoke these validation methods.

@RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "create", method = RequestMethod.POST)   
public String save(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {   
 validator.validate(person, result);   
  . . .  
@RequestMapping(value="/add", params = "update", method = RequestMethod.POST)   
public String update(Person person, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {   
 validator.validate(person, result);   
 . . .  

Validation Error Codes

 person.details=Person Details  
 person.firstName=First Name  
 person.lastName=Second Name  
 field.required=Required field missing  
 firstName=First Name  
 required=Required field missing  
The 'required' entry is a special code used by Spring when a field that is specified in the setRequiredFields() method, is not supplied.

Rending the Errors on View 
To include the errors on the view, include the tag along side each of the tags in our JSP page.

 <table class="gradient">  
     <td>First Name</td>  
       <form:input path="firstName"/><form:errors path="firstName" cssClass="errors"/>  
     <td>Last Name</td>  
     <td><form:input path="lastName"/><form:errors path="lastName" cssClass="errors"/></td>  

Step 6: Updated Spring MVC Views.

Now, we introduce a new JSP page to create and update People. The same page is used for both the operations.
Create a Person
When the add.html gets a HTTP.GET request without the id parameter, the form backing object returns a new Person instance, and populates the view.

As an example, the following snippet in the /jsp/list.jsp would called when creating a new Person.
 <a href='add.html'><spring:message code="navigation.add"/></a>  

Update a Person
Similarly, when the add.html gets a HTTP.GET request with the id parameter, the form backing object returns an existing Person instance corresponding to the given id parameter, and populates the view.

As an example, the following snippet in the /jsp/list.jsp would called when creating a new Person.
 <a href="add.html?id=${}"><spring:message code="navigation.edit"/></a>  

The isNew() method on the Person class from the model is used to determine the mode of the screen.
 public boolean isNew() {  
     return id == null;  

add.jsp JSP

   <form:form method="post" commandName="person" action="add.html" cssClass="box-form-a">  
       <c:when test="${}">  
         <h1>Sign-up Here</h1>  
         <p>Person registration form</p>  
         <h1>Update Here</h1>  
         <p>Person updation form</p>  
     <table class="gradient">  
         <td>First Name</td>  
           <form:input path="firstName"/><form:errors path="firstName" cssClass="errors"/>  
         <td>Last Name</td>  
         <td><form:input path="lastName"/><form:errors path="lastName" cssClass="errors"/></td>  
       <c:when test="${}">  
         <button type="submit" name="create"><spring:message code="navigation.add"/></button>  
         <button type="submit" name="update"><spring:message code="navigation.edit"/></button>  
         <button type="submit" name="delete"  
             onclick="return confirm('Are you sure to delete ${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}?')">  
   <a href="list.html"><spring:message code="navigation.back"/></a>  

Step 7: Spring MVC Configuration

Refer to Part 1.

Step 8: Building and Deploying the Application

Refer to Part 1.

Now, you can access the application with the following URL.

The Part 2 of the Spring MVC 3 article focused on how to use the framework to process form data and render on JSPs.

The sample code for BOTH these articles are here.

That's all Folks!!!

Spring MVC 3: Part 1 - Listing and Viewing

This will be a TWO part series article that looks at Spring MVC 3. To better understand the usage of the framework + to keep the tutorial short and keep the reader interested, I have split this into TWO parts.

Part 1: Listing and Viewing Person Details (Retrieve)
Part 2: Form Processing ( Create, Update and Delete)

The example used for both the articles will be same, and will be concentrating on CRUD operations. The example will be a People Management Application.

The sample code for BOTH these articles are here.

Part 1: Listing and Viewing Person Details (Retrieve)

Application Demo:

Listing All People Details.

View Details of a Person

Project Structure: Following is the project structure used in the article (Maven wed application).

Java package structure

Web app structure

Step 1: Creating the Web Project.

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.fazlan -DartifactId=org.fazlan.spring.mvc -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false

Step 2:Updating the Maven Dependencies (pom.xml)

 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""  
     <!-- Spring 3 dependencies -->  

Step 3: Defining the Spring MVC Model, Backend Logic. - represent the M in MVC.

 package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.model;  
 public class Person {  
   private Long id;  
   private String firstName;  
   private String lastName;  
   public Person() {  
   public Person(long id, String firstName, String lastName) { = id;  
     this.firstName = firstName;  
     this.lastName = lastName;  
   public boolean isNew() {  
     return id == null;  
   public Long getId() {  
     return id;  
   public void setId(Long id) { = id;  
   public String getFirstName() {  
     return firstName;  
   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {  
     this.firstName = firstName;  
   public String getLastName() {  
     return lastName;  
   public void setLastName(String lastName) {  
     this.lastName = lastName;  
   public boolean equals(Object o) {  
     if (this == o) return true;  
     if (!(o instanceof Person)) return false;  
     Person person = (Person) o;  
     return id == && !(firstName != null ? !firstName.equals(person.firstName) : person.firstName != null) && !(lastName != null ? !lastName.equals(person.lastName) : person.lastName != null);  
   public int hashCode() {  
     int result = (int) (id ^ (id >>> 32));  
     result = 31 * result + (firstName != null ? firstName.hashCode() : 0);  
     result = 31 * result + (lastName != null ? lastName.hashCode() : 0);  
     return result;  
 } and PersonManager - represents the backend service implementation.

 package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.manager;  

 import java.util.List;  

 public interface IManager<T> {  
   List<T> getAll();  
   T get(Long id); 

  package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.manager; 
  import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.model.Person;   
  import java.util.ArrayList;   
  import java.util.HashMap;   
  import java.util.List;   
  import java.util.Map;  
  public class PersonManager implements IManager&lt;Person&gt;{   
   private final Map&lt;Long, Person&gt; PERSON_MAP = new HashMap&lt;Long, Person&gt;();   
   private static Long INDEX = 1L;   
    PERSON_MAP.put(INDEX, new Person(INDEX, "First Name", "Second Name"));   
   public List&lt;Person&gt; getAll() {   
    return new ArrayList&lt;Person&gt;(PERSON_MAP.values());   
   public Person get(Long id) {   
    return PERSON_MAP.get(id);   

Step 4: Defining the Spring MVC Controller.
A controller receives web requests, performs business logic, and populates the model ( for the view to present.

 package org.fazlan.spring.mvc.controllers;
 import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.manager.IManager;  
 import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.model.Person;  
 import org.fazlan.spring.mvc.validators.PersonValidator;  
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  
 import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.StringTrimmerEditor;  
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;  
 import org.springframework.ui.Model;  
 import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;  
 import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder;  
 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;  

 import java.util.List;  

 public class PersonForm {  
   private IManager<Person> manager;
   public List<Person> getAll() {  
     return manager.getAll();  

   public Person get(@RequestParam(value = "id", required = true) Long personId) {  
     return manager.get(id);  

The above class defined the controller to handle the requests for managing a Person. For now, let's look at the following elements,

Designates a POJO class as a web controller. Spring can automatically detect controller classes using class path scanning, and make them available to receive requests from end users. Equivalent to implementing the Controller interface in Spring MVC 2.

This annotation maps web request URLs to Java classes and methods. The above code snippet maps the URL paths /list and /view to the getAll() and get() methods respectively.

This annotation binds the return value of a method to a named attribute in the view(JSP). The getAll() method returns a list of Person JavaBeans, and the @ModelAttribute annotation binds it to an attribute called personList in the view, for subsequent retrieval by the view.

The get() method also returns a Person JavaBean into the view, but this time no @ModelAttribute annotation is specified. In this case, Spring uses the non-qualified class name, 'person', as the attribute name.

For instance, the get() method could have annotated as below for better readability of the code.

 public Person get(@RequestParam(value = "id", required = true) Long personId) {   
    return manager.get(id);   

This annotation binds HTTP request parameters to method arguments in the controller.

In above, the get() method needs to know the identifier (personId) of the Person JavaBean that it is to be returned. The @RequestParam annotation takes the 'id' request parameter from the URL, and maps it to the personId argument of the method. The parameter is mandatory (required=true) so the URL must be ending like /view.html?id=1, or an exception will be generated.

Step 5: Defining the Spring MVC View
After the controller process the request, the view represent the data from the model. We use JSPs and JSTL(Java Standard Tag Library) to display the data in our application.

Logical Views

Firstly, we must define the logical view names to let Spring know, which view has to be rendered. By default, it is derived from the URL path of our request.

For example:
/list.html transformed to view name called list
/view.html transformed to view name called view

If needed, we can override the default by returning a specific view name from our controller, but for now we can just rely on the default.

Physical Views

The page displays a list of people. Each person record is a link to a page which shows further details about that person. We use JSTL custom tags and the JSP expression language to retrieve data from the model and construct the HTML table.

 <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>  
 <%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="" %> 
   <h1><spring:message code="person.details"/></h1>  
   <table class="gradient">  
       <th><spring:message code="person.firstName"/></th>  
       <th><spring:message code="person.lastName"/></th>  
       <th><spring:message code="person.action"/></th>  
     <c:forEach items="${personList}" var="person">  
           <a href="view.html?id=${}"> <spring:message code="navigation.view"/> </a>/<a  
             href="add.html?id=${}"><spring:message code="navigation.edit"/></a>  
 <a href='add.html'><spring:message code="navigation.add"/></a>  

The personList collection, which was added to the model by the getAll() method in the PersonForm class, is now accessible by the JSP expression language. The forEach tag iterates over the collection of Person JavaBeans, using the firstName and lastName property for the display value, and the id property in the link to the details page.

The page displays the details of an individual.

 <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>  
 <%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="" %> 
   <h1><spring:message code="person.details"/></h1>  
   <table class="gradient">  
     <td><spring:message code="person.firstName"/></td>  
     <td><spring:message code="person.lastName"/></td>  
   <a href="list.html"><spring:message code="navigation.back"/></a>  

The data is retrieved from the Person JavaBean, which was added to the model by the get() method in the PersonForm class

View Resolver

After defining logical and physical view names, a view resolver is used to map them and display. Spring provides several view resolvers for technologies such as Velocity templates and XSLT, but we will use Spring's InternalResourceViewResolver class to map the view name to a physical JSP file.

For example:
list is mapped to /jsp/list.jsp
view is mapped to /jsp/view.jsp

Following is how logical view names are mapped to physical files. In this case, the file name will be made up of:

    /jsp/ + physical_view_name + .jsp
For example, a view name list will result in the /jsp/list.jsp file.

This separation of logical view names from view resolvers allows the controllers to produce data models, without being tied to a particular view technology.

Step 6: Spring MVC Configuration
In Spring, front controller pattern called DispatcherServlet dispatches HTTP requests to the appropriate controller. This we define in the web.xml.

To work with the latest JSTL and JSP-API, you need to use the latest version of web.xml (as highlighted).

 <web-app xmlns:xsi=""  
 xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">  
  <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>  

Spring Configuration File (springmvc.xml)

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <beans xmlns=""  

   <context:component-scan base-package="org.fazlan.spring.mvc"/>  

   <bean id="personValidator" class="org.fazlan.spring.mvc.validators.PersonValidator"/>  
   <bean id="personManager" class="org.fazlan.spring.mvc.manager.PersonManager"/>  
   <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">  
     <property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView"/>  
     <property name="prefix" value="/jsp/"/>  
     <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>  
   <!-- Access resource bundles with the specified basename -->  
   <bean id="messageSource"  
     <property name="basename" value="msg-properties/messages"/>  

Step 7: Building and Deploying the Application

$ mvn clean install
$ mvn jetty:run

mvn:jetty:run - would run the web app on the jetty server.

Now, you can access the application with the following URL.

The Part 1 of the Spring MVC 3 article focused on how to use the framework for retrieving data and rendering on JSPs. The next part will concentrate on how to handle HTML Form processing.

The sample code for BOTH these articles are here.

That's all Folks!!!