This article looks at how to use Spock for writing tests. It's a yet another awesome project from google code.
Why Spock? Read here.
For me, it's the simplicity, expressiveness and less code to write, which makes the tests clean. Also, in-built BDD notations such as given, when, then, where etc.
You can find the sample code for this application here.
To run the application, you need the following installed.
Basic understanding on Groovy
Basic understanding on Groovy
Java 8+
Maven 3
The pom.xml
The pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Mandatory plugins for using Spock -->
<!-- The gmavenplus plugin is used to compile Groovy code. To learn more about this plugin -->
<!-- Only required if names of spec classes don't match default Surefire patterns (`*Test` etc.) -->
<!-- Mandatory dependencies for using Spock -->
<!-- Optional for using Spock -->
<!-- use a specific Groovy version rather than the one specified by spock-core -->
<!--<!– enables mocking of classes (in addition to interfaces) –>-->
<!--<!– enables mocking of classes without default constructor (together with CGLIB) –>-->
Writing the test
package org.fazlan.blogger.sample import spock.lang.Specification class SimpleCalculatorSpec extends Specification { Calculator calculator def setup() { calculator = new SimpleCalculator() } def "adds numbers and returns the sum of the numbers"() { when: def result = calculator.add(* numbers) then: result == expected_result where: numbers | expected_result [0] | 0 [1] | 1 [1.4, 2.5] | 3.9 } def "multiplies given numbers and returns the multiplication result"() { when: def result = calculator.multiply(* numbers) then: result == expected_result where: numbers | expected_result [0] | 0 [1] | 1 [1, 0] | 0 [1.5, 2] | 3 } }
As seen above, it uses less code and no configuration compared to frameworks like cucumber-jvm or jBehave.
This article looks at how to use Spock for writing tests.
You can find the sample code for this application here.
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